How to wear a Face Shield | SA Fishing TV
Check out the various ways to wear the SAFishing Face Shield
Check out the various ways to wear the SAFishing Face Shield
Review on SA face shield!
hi guys welcome back to my channel so
today I’m gonna do an SA Fishing reviews on the s a
face shield so basically what it is is
you can wear different ways my favorite
way to wear it as a headband but you can
also, wear it as a scarf like over your
mouth and nose like that and it you can
breathe through it which is nice and the
Brand is a SA Fishing Reviews or a strap
I told the sports rapper sports actually
that doesn’t make any sense but anyways.
I like to wear it as a head Band at
every span I bet that but there’s so
many different ways you can wear it
starts my dog
ok can you get out of the way to thank you
so very much
ok yeah so they come in different
designs on this one I mean there’s like
clown one where it looks like you have a
clown face when you go like this with
you really could have seen people do it
on you.
So let’s just get onto the ways you wear
this thing so number one is I’m going to
show you the way I always wear it I mean
I mostly wear it so it starts like this
I’m going to kind
short like here like that but now I’m
gonna season it outside like to go back
so now Counsell the headband like this
take your head
yeah where does headbands here but fail
in my head stuck in that looks kind of
the weird way from the side one cute and
then another way is if you take it I’m
gonna wear this to school today like a
scarf over my mouth because I get cold
you never notice I qualities heart like
you can take the back and pull it back.
I’ve seen people do this way but it’s
kind of cute I like it
that’s kinda cute like
here I want to see what I can’t I kinda
like this foot but also down because it
looks like I’m from a different culture
and that’s not just taking it out like
Well my hair all crazy so yeah another
the way you can wear it is like a scarf
a thing so it’s not like wait for a second
so don’t judge my gosh you can actually
breathe through it so you can leave that
here through looks kinda hard
Oh kinda hard
box we Jada stop fighting a middle of
the video and yesterday Ms data
oh ok ok ok ok keep your back kid
sorry I put my dog outside would attack me
I’m doing the video but yeah that’s
another way and then you can also just
went like this that’s just like a scarf
thingy then I saw another way where you
like I could you how they made it think
they won’t like it
I don’t know flipped inside out so it
looked inside out and held it and flip
it back to normal.
Also, you can see it I’m trying to like I
didn’t realize that and don’t open my
are you okay
and my foot pic and I am like this thing
there are so many different ways there’s
other better interviews and because i
don’t know all the ways but and you can
wear as a wristband or a scrunchie here
wristband risk and contain ok.
Um so yeah those are all the ways I know
for now, I’m gonna wear to school like a
headband and then maybe pull down with
that don’t like doing kinda weird so I’m
just going to share that real quick so
you like this
that’s my dog warning coming to add text
to attack we can’t believe it or not
just a little puppy you can’t blame her
anything but you know it’s kind of
painful sometimes like okay. I’m gonna
I’m gonna wear it to school like this well this is
how I’m gonna wear at school and middle
and then I’m gonna take it off in the
right before school going to wear the
scarf way whatever you want to call it
you might use a brush but anyways thank
you guys for watching please like and
please subscribe comment down below and
markings I should do my channel bye guys
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